Participation Constraint Define the least number of relationship instances , in which…
System Call A system call is a mechanism using which a user program can request a se…
Transaction A Unit of work done against the DB in a logical sequence, nothing but Tra…
forName() This method or function is present in Class class in Java. This method re…
Database Clustering ( making Replica-sets) Is the process of combining more than one…
Brian Kernighan's algorithm · We generally use this algorithm to find …
1. Super Key (SK): Any permutation combination of attributes present in a table that…
Cardinality Constraint Tell as maximum number of relationship instances in which the e…
Multiprogramming OS and Multitasking OS Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization b…
Batch Processing OS Firstly, the user prepares his job using a Punch card. Then, he…
Huffman Decoding Question Given a Huffman tree and encoded string, find the decoded s…
Huffman Encoding Given a string S of distinct character of size N and their corres…
Cardinality in DBMS Cardinality in DBMS is a vital piece of information about the rela…
Difference between DBMA and RDBMS DBMS 1. In DBMS data is stored as a file. 2. In DB…